The following advice is adapted from NICE Guideline CG128, Autism in under 19s: recognition, referral and diagnosis. []

Summary of Diagnostic Assessment

Assessment Report and Profile

Compile a profile for the child or young person, covering the following topics:

  • intellectual ability and learning style
  • academic skills
  • speech, language and communication+
  • fine and gross motor skills
  • adaptive behaviour (including self-help skills)
  • mental and emotional health (including self-esteem)
  • physical health and nutrition
  • sensory sensitivities
  • behaviour likely to affect day-to-day functioning and social participation
  • socialisation skills.

Also compile a written report of the assessment, outlining reasons for the diagnosis.

Post-Diagnosis Feedback

Explain to parents/carers (and, if appropriate, the child and young person:

  • The reasons for the diagnosis
  • What autism is, and how it may affect the child or young person.
  • The contents of the profile

Provide a written report of the assessment.

Provide information books, DVDs etc (available from ASDinfoWales website) on autism spectrum disorder.

Take parental consent to share information with GP and other appropriate professionals (e.g. education, social care).

Information for parents/carers

Provide information on:

  • Support available locally for the child/young person and/or their parents/carers
  • Information to prepare for the future (e.g. transition to adult services)

Information Sharing

With parental consent (and if appropriate, consent of the child/young person), share the assessment report and profile with the GP and other appropriate professionals (e.g. education, social care)

Looking for downloads?

Clinicians Toolkit – Children

We have separated the tools available into the following five categories, click on the button for each section to enter:


ASD Child Profile Proforma
Autism: A Guide for Parents and Carers Following Diagnosis
ASDinfoWales Resources for Parents and Carers following diagnosis