Autism and Employment

The Rewarding and Fulfilling Lives: the strategy for adults with autism in England is due to be reviewed by the end 2013. This event aims to assist in this review process by generating a discussion around one of the key targets of the strategy: Employment.

In order to assist in this process we would like you to consider the following questions:

  1. In your view, has the implementation of the strategy met its targets regarding employment? If not, what do you think has prevented it?
  2. What positive impact has had the strategy in your area regarding employment?
  3. What do you think are the main barriers to improve employment rates of adults with autism?
  4. What are the main reasons why people with autism find it difficult to retain a job?
  5. Are there any employment programmes in your area? If so, do you think they are cost –effective?
  6. In your experience, what are the most common adjustments employers need to make for an employee with autism?

You can find a copy of the keynote papers on the Autism RPP Hub site as a 'Resource' by following the links:


Please complete this survey via surveymonkey on employment (4 versions for adults with autism, carers, practitioners and policy makers).

The source for this information and the group discussions can be found here: