On Wednesday 6th November the lead policy officials from Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland took part in their first online discussion about the developments in legislation, funding and strategies for delivering services for people with Autism. – See more at:
A message from Professor Sue Leekam , Director of the Wales Autism Research Centre
Many thanks to Michael Swaffield (England) , Alistair Davey (Wales), Maura Briscoe (N. Ireland) and Annette Pyle (Scotland) for joining together to create the Policy event. The Conversation has helped to connect the communities of policy, practice and research. We welcome other coordinated conversations across the UK nations in the future, as online the four agreed to meet again in a few months’ time in Scotland.
As a follow-up to this event and to open up views from all stakeholders (practice, families, researchers, policy workers), we have drawn together below some of the themes that emerged over the hour of conversation. We are keen to encourage on-going and new discussion which can be forwarded on to the policy officials. Key to this is simply to communicate what is going on in different geographical locations, in the UK but also beyond – please do share information and opinion on what works and what needs work.
Here are some issues we identified. Feel free to continue the discussion on these or other issues. It is easy to login to join the discussion, email us if you have any problem….
- Autism strategic planning, what drives it?
- What are the challenges and barriers to implementing policy
- Autism Awareness – how do you really raise it?
- Is autism training adequate?
- Evaluation of autism strategies: being accountable
- Effective policy making? How do you know?
- Adults and infants – where should policy be directed?
See more at: http://www.autismrpphub.com/groups/policy/708/policy-leading-and-big-conversation
If you have any queries about the Autism Research, Policy & Practice Hub then please get in touch.
Please have a look at the site. http://www.autismrpphub.org/ and if you are new to the Hubsite please follow the link to 'How to use this site ' from the Home page.
Best Regards
Lynda Morgan
ESRC /Welsh Government : Developing a Research-Policy-Practice Hub for Autism Spectrum Disorder Project Manager (Offline) My working da ys are Tuesday – Thursday .
If you have any enquiries. Please contact myself or Louise White (WhiteLJ2@cardiff.ac.uk)
Please see our latest discussions on the Autism Research-Policy-Practice Hub http://www.autismrpphub.org/
Twitter: @WARC_Cardiff
Facebook : WARC
Wales Autism Research Centre
School of Psychology
Tower Building
Park Place
Cardiff University
Cardiff CF10 3AT
Tel: +44 (0)2920870711
Email: morganl30@cardiff.ac.uk