Welsh Government Strategy

Cllr Huw David, WLGA Spokesperson for Health and Social Care said:

“The WLGA welcomes the publication of the Refreshed ASD Strategic Action Plan highlighting the commitment to making real and significant progress in the services, care and support available to people with autism in Wales. As ân organisation we are proud to have been key contributors to the successes achieved as a result of the previous action plan, and will continue to ensure that Wales leads the way by supporting the development of the new integrated autism service.”

The Plan outlines actions to:

  • introduce a 26-week waiting time target from referral to first appointment for children with autism
  • transform the education support for children with ASD
  • implement a national assessment pathway for children
  • improve employment opportunities for people with autism
  • support organisations to become Autism-friendly
  • raise awareness of information and resources.

To access the Refreshed ASD Strategic Action Plan and accompanying ASD Delivery Plan, please click on the documents below:



Code of Practice on the delivery of autism services
(July 2021)
How we deliver autism services in Wales - Easy Read
(July 2021)
Autism delivery plan 2021 to 2022
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) strategic action plan – delivery plan: annual report 2019 to 2020
Refreshed Autistic Spectrum Disorder Strategic Action Plan
Autistic spectrum disorder strategic action plan: annual report 2018 to 2019
Autistic Spectrum Disorder delivery plan 2016-20
Welsh Language Impact Assessment - ASD Strategic Action Plan
Equality impact assessment - ASD Strategic Action Plan
The report of the ASD Adult Diagnostic task and finish group