Are you a Parent or Carer of a person with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder who has encountered the police and criminal justice system within the last 2 Years?

We Would Like to Improve the Criminal Justice System!
We Need Your Help!

This will involve an online questionnaire. It will take about 10 minutes to complete and all information will be anonymous and kept confidential.

All completed questionnaires will be entered into a prize draw for two participants to win a £25 Amazon voucher.

Need more information?
Please contact: Julie King

Interested in taking part?
Click the link below to go to the questionnaire


Julie Elaine King is a PhD student at the Swansea University Medical School, supervised by Dr Suzanne Edwards, Prof. Jane Williams and Dr Anthony Charles. The study has been approved by the Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law Research Ethics Committee at Swansea University, to ensure the safety, rights, wellbeing, and dignity of all the participants in this study.