Exploring Employment: How to find and keep the job or career that’s right for you.

3rd December – 10am-12:45pm


The National Autism Team hosted an employment event for employers in December 2020. This event focused on educating employers on the needs of autistic people and the reasonable adjustments that must be put in place for autistic people in the workplace.


Following on from this event, on 3rd  December 2021 the National Autism Team are hosting an event for autistic people. The event hopes to empower autistic people to learn new skills and information that may assist them in finding and maintaining meaningful employment and a job that is right for them.


It is important that this event is co-produced with the autistic community, so that we can collaboratively create an event that is of benefit to autistic people.


National Autism Team Virtual Employment Event Survey Results Report


The National Autism Team ran a survey for autistic people and their parent/carers from 21st June to 23rd July. The survey was co-produced with Autistic UK who provided sensitivity checks and invaluable input into how to make the survey most effective and accessible for autistic people. The survey was also co-produced with Learning Disability Wales and EasyRead Wales, who translated the survey into EasyRead, to ensure that the needs of autistic people with co-occurring learning disabilities were met and that their voices were heard.


The survey asks respondents to share which topics would be most useful to them and how they best learn, to ensure that the event is shaped by the needs and views of autistic people. The responses will be used to define the parameters of the event and to determine what topics the event’s sessions should focus on and how those sessions should be delivered.


To find out how autistic people responded to the survey, read our Employment Event Survey Results Report.


Through our survey we identified respondents who wanted to join our employment event advisory group. We have worked closely with our advisory group of autistic people, who have shaped this event from the beginning, making key decisions about the topics the event should cover, who should facilitate the workshops, how the event should be structured and how the event should be marketed.


Next step? Sign up for the event


The event is being held on 3rd December 2021, 10am-12:45pm.


Who is the event for?

Autistic people who are looking for, or already in, work


The topics covered in the workshops are:


You are able to choose two workshops to attend during the live event. You can choose these workshops via the Zoom event sign up link. Each workshop will last for 40 minutes.


All workshops will be recorded. You can watch the recordings of all workshops on the Autism Wales website after the event.


To help you to choose which workshop you’d like to attend, check out our Participant Booklet. It provides some more information about what each workshop is about and who will be facilitating each workshop. Find the participant booklet here.


Sign up using this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkceG srjwqH93_Fr7IkJt4_hDcn1T4zaeZ


Want to spread the word about the event? Send our bilingual flyer to everyone you think would benefit from this event. Access the flyer here.


Meet Ewan! Watch our Exploring Employment promotional video:


Ewan is a member of our advisory group. In this video he talks about his experience of being in the advisory group, how the National Autism Team’s employment resources have helped him and what he’s looking forward to about the event.


Join Ewan at our ‘Exploring Employment’ event, by signing up to the event at the link above today!