I am autistic

A range of useful resources have been developed with neurodivergent people. These can help with day to day activities and plans.

What is autism?

This page highlights key resources on our website which help to build a better understanding of autism.

A range of resources have been developed in partnership with autistic people, parents and carers and professionals that clearly explain what autism is and how it affects autistic people’s interaction with the world around them.


In this section there are a set of structured modules that follow the National Training Framework for Wales.

These modules have been coproduced with an advisory group of neurodivergent people and features their voices and experiences.

Advice sheets for autistic adults

On this page you will find downloadable links to a range of advice sheets on a variety of topics.

Adult Personal Profile

The profile can help people gain a better understanding of you and how they can help and support you more effectively.

Idioms Glossary

The glossary provides the meaning for various idioms.

Orange Wallet

The orange wallet scheme aims to help neurodivergent people when travelling on public transport.

Resources Booklet

This resource booklet outlines the resources we have available on our website.

My local contacts

Each Local Authority has a local Autism Lead that is the key contact for autism information, advice and guidance in that area.

Dewis Cymru

Dewis Cymru is the site to go to if you want information or advice about services within your area, as well as information on your well-being.

Integrated Autism Service

There are 7 Integrated Autism Services across Wales.  They are a partnership between health and social care.  Their primary focus is autistic adults who do not access statutory services or those adults seeking a diagnostic assessment.

Useful Links

Within this area of the website is a selection of other web resources that autistic people and those that care for them may find helpful.