Housing certificated training scheme

Welcome to the Housing Providers section of the website.  Below you will find further information on our latest publication ‘Autism: A Guide for Practitioners within Housing and Homelessness Services’ which we have co-produced over 12 months.

Autism: a guide for practitioners within housing and homelessness services

This guide is a response to issues raised by autistic people and professionals through a consultation facilitated by the National Autism Team on behalf of Welsh Government in 2015 and reports commissioned by Shelter Cymru, that highlight the challenges faced by autistic people in relation to housing and the higher proportion of homeless people who are autistic.

The guide is to help professionals working in housing to better understand the needs of autistic people in gaining access to housing services.

The National Autism Team has worked with a group of stakeholders including Housing professionals, autistic professionals and advisors, parents and carers of autistic people and the National Autistic Society Cymru, to produce a refreshed guide to better enable front-line professionals to work with autistic people in accessing Housing support and information.

Please click on the image to view and download the whole document or click the link below to view the individual chapters that may be relevant to you.  Each Chapter in Part 1 is referenced against the Housing (Wales) Act 2014.  Part 2 provides a thorough and useful guide about autism.

‘Individual chapters’

Looking for downloads?

Click the button below to view the downloads available on this webpage.

Become an 'Autism Understanding & Accepting' organisation / service

If your organisation would like to register to become an ‘Autism Understanding & Accepting’ organisation and receive a personalised organisation / service certificate, please complete the application form available here:


Autism: A Guide for Practitioners within Housing and Homelessness Services
All chapters:
Autism: A Guide for Practitioners within Housing and Homelessness Services
Part ­One­: Housing­ and Autism Practice
Part Two­: Autism