The following advice is adapted from NICE Guideline CG142: Autism in adults: diagnosis and management []

Written Information

Complete a written report following diagnosis. Share it with the patient and request consent to share it with the GP and other relevant professionals.

Post-Diagnostic Appointment

Offer all adults who have received a diagnosis of autism (irrespective of whether they need or have refused further care and support) a follow-up appointment to discuss:

  • the implications of the diagnosis
  • any concerns they have about the diagnosis
  •  any future care and support they may require.



Provide a ‘health passport’ (for example, a laminated card) for adults with autism, which includes information for all staff about the person’s care and support needs. Advise the person to carry the health passport at all times.

(use the link to the ‘adult profile’ at the bottom of the page to access an interactive profile builder)


Families, partners and carers

Give all families, partners and carer(s) (whether or not the person wants them to be involved in their care) verbal and written information about:

  • autism and its management
  • local support groups and services specifically for families, partners and carers
  • their right to a formal carer’s assessment of their own physical and mental health needs, and how to access this.


If a person with autism does not want their family, partners or carer(s) to be involved in their care:

  • give the family, partner or carer(s) verbal and written information about who they can contact if they are concerned about the person’s care
  • bear in mind that people with autism may be ambivalent or negative towards their family or partner. This may be for many different reasons, including a coexisting mental disorder or prior experience of violence or abuse.


Autism: A Guide for Adults Following Diagnosis
Autism: A Guide for Those Who Support Adults Following a Diagnosis