I work in an early years setting

The resources within this section were developed in partnership with autistic people, parents and carers and professionals.  The resources are aimed at increasing the knowledge, skills, and understanding of autism for those working in an early years setting.

Early Years Programme Overview

The Learning about Autism programmes are aimed at raising awareness of autism in all settings including non-maintained and maintained provision.

'How to' Early Years Video

Here is a video of the steps needed to undertake the Learning About Autism Early Years Scheme.

Self Evaluation Tools

There are two self-evaluation tools which help settings to identify current provision, practice, plan and monitor improvement.

Autism: A Guide for Early Years Settings

The Guide provides a framework to help early years settings become more autism aware and understanding and better meet the needs of autistic children in their care.

Early Years Setting staff scheme

The scheme is aimed at increasing the knowledge, skills, and understanding of autism of those working in an early years setting.

Autism Aware Certification

This scheme aims to provide an increased understanding of autism for all non-learning support staff.

Teifi & Friends

These resources are aimed at pre-school children to help the increase their awareness and understanding of autism.

Learning about Autism Early Years Setting Award

The Learning about Autism programme is a whole setting approach to improving awareness and understanding of the needs of autistic children. 

Child Profile

The profile can help people gain a better understanding of a child and how they can be helped and supported more effectively.

Childrens Picture Cards

The picture cards can help create structure for your child’s day to day activities.

Cue Cards

Cue cards can help autistic children to understand and follow instructions.  Cue cards can be downloaded here.

Additional Resources

This section includes resources that you may find useful.