Congratulations to Redhill Preparatory School, Pembrokeshire for becoming Wales’ first school to successfully complete the Learning with Autism, Mainstream Primary School programme and therefore receiving their certificate of achievement. The programme was embraced by the whole school, and teachers, support staff, other colleagues and pupils all took part in the programme. Following the programme, it inspired one of the students to write a speech to explain what it is like for him living with Asperger’s and he shared this with his peers:
“I have a type of autism called “Asperger’s syndrome.” Here’s what it means to me:
I get really interested in a particular hobby, this can mean I talk about it all the time, but it also means that I can learn and remember a lot of facts. I’m good at remembering spellings!
I get frustrated easily, at things that most other people don’t get frustrated at. For example, I get irritated by certain textures or feelings and loud noises sound horrible to me. I hate hand dryers! I follow rules really well but get upset if I think I’ve broken them, even the really small ones. These things cause me to get anxious but I take tablets at night to help me to switch off and sleep better.
I find physical activities like bike riding and swimming difficult because my coordination isn’t great. I can be really sensitive and get upset easily, but being sensitive makes me really caring and protective of my little sister.
I believe my autism gives me my creativity. I’m good at drawing and writing stories, and it’s just a part of who I am.”
Jake, 10 years’ old
The Learning with Autism programme was launched at a Ministerial event on 3rd March 2016. Since then it has been rolled out across numerous authorities across Wales and is available on-line for everyone to access. For more information please visit our site at